
有关税制改革的常见问题 & 非牟利机构

The dust has settled on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and not-for-profit organizations are in the process of evaluating how they will be impacted by the new legislation. Schneider Downs Tax Advisors will provide clarification on many issues unique to this group.

Join us as Schneider Downs’ 非营利性 group hosts a Town Hall meeting to discuss some of the most commonly asked questions related to 税 reform…and provide the answers. We will discuss changes to payroll withholding and completing Form W-4, and review the impact that 税 reform could have on your audited financial statements. 然后, we’ll open the floor to questions from attendees to provide a deep-dive into how this new 税 legislation will impact the NFP sector.
We will be offering two CPE credits. Certificates will be available after the session.
When: March 1, 2018 | 8:00 am – 10:00 am | Registration begins at 7:30 am
Where: Rivers Club, One Oxford Cenre, 301 Grant Street, 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 15219
For additional information, please contact Leigha Pindroh.

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